Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Subject: A Clear and Present Danger
I received the following from an extremely well informed person. This explains the situation the Federal Reserve and its member banks are in at this exact time...
It explains how we got here and what needs to be done to free ourselves of the bankers who have illegally run our money system for most of the last century.
This is the most important article you will read. I ask that you send it to everyone you know. It explains everything clearly and simply. You don't have to be a Constitutional scholar to understand what happened, how it happened, and what we the citizens of the united states MUST do to insure that the bankruptcy of CORPORATE UNITED STATES does NOT fall on us!! Please read this carefully.
*April 24, 2008*
If events proceed as I hope, the Federal Reserve also will be dissolved as insolvent, and its Notes we have used as currency for 75 years will become valueless after some period where legally earned notes may be exchanged for new and legal United States money. *There will be volumes written in the future about how the United States of America, and particularly the control of our Treasury were quietly placed in private hands and secretly, from the general population, held and used there for 75 years. Those hands were for the most part,European, and had little, if any, interest in the welfare of the Citizens of this nation. Some of the "hands" were US, and they were even more ruthless. *
*But the situation has dramatically changed during the past five years, and particularly since November of 2007.*
*This narrative will necessarily begin with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria at Mukden. That is a well known historical fact. What is not as well known and understood is the "Mukden Incident" which occurred on September 18, 1931 was, in essence, a subterfuge undertaken by a few junior officers of the Japanese army when they secretly dynamited the South Manchurian Railway (owned by Japan) to provide the motive for the Japanese military conquest of Manchuria which continued until the Japanese victory on February 18, 1932 .*
*The most available explanation for the Japanese Manchurian invasion was that Japan coveted resource-rich Manchuria as a source of cheap raw materials for their burgeoning industrial complex. That explanation's basis is true, especially given an increasing shortage of favorably priced raw materials which Japan had to otherwise purchase and import from other sources.*
*But there was another, and largely hidden, reason. In 1931, the Manchuria-China border was only a few miles from Beijing where the Chinese Emperor, Pu-yi resided. The Manchu emperors kept much of their gold and other treasury items in northern Manchuria just a few miles from border, and therefore only a short distance from their Chinese capital.*
*Very shortly after the Japanese invasion commenced in southern Manchuria, a delegation sent by the United States Federal Reserve Bank to Beijing entered into negotiation with the Emperor. The Federal Reserve's offer was to quickly remove the Royal Treasury from its Manchurian location, and thereafter lease the contents of the Treasury for seventy years. In return, the Emperor received valid United States Federal Reserve bonds, maturing in seventy years, and in sufficient quantity to guarantee the debt as well as enough to pay the to-be accrued- seventy-year-interest. *
*The terms of the lease required the Emperor's estate, at the end of seventy years, to exchange the bonds with interest coupons attached, to the Federal Reserve in exchange for the return of all the Emperor's gold and other treasure, plus the accrued interest (to be paid in gold), to his estate's custody. *
*The contents of the Emperor's Manchurian Treasury were taken overland through China, and then by sea to Manila, Philippines, where the US quickly built and operated the largest gold refinery, at that time, in the world. After the gold was refined, some of it was sent to Switzerland where it was stored in extensive underground vaults under Zurich, while the greatest part was sent to the Federal Reserve vaults in New York.*
*Of course, much happened between 1931 and 2001, not the least of which was World War II and the Chinese Communist capture of all China except the island which was then called Formosa (now Taiwan). Pu-yi (the Emperor) remained a communist prisoner for many years and died as a gardener.*
*It apparently appeared to certain US and European financial interests who were interested parties in the leased Chinese Treasury, and it was probably their plan, that the Chinese imperial line died out, or at least was so impoverished that it had no means or power to recover any of their leased Treasury materials and articles. * *So seventy years passed.*
*In fact, the leasing parties grossly miscalculated. The Emperor, Pu-yi, had additional gold and other assets stored in protected places other than Manchuria-assets which escaped the attentions and discoveries of both the Japanese and Communist Chinese. Within the past two decades, much of that wealth has been returned to his grandson, a certain "Mr. Yi" who resides in Taiwan.*
*The ownership and control of the bonds which were exchanged for the Chinese Treasury were placed a number of years ago in the hands of certain surviving members of the Chinese royal family, and recently Mr. Yi. *
*So when 2001 came, Mr. Yi, The Emperor's grandson, by now a very wealthy and powerful individual, formally negotiated the return of the Chinese Royal Family's leased legal estate and the accumulated interest thereof from the United States Federal Reserve Bank (the lessor), in exchange for the Federal Reserve bonds and attached interest coupons. The returned amount of the Emperor's Treasury and interest was a very small part of what was owed.*
*A major part of the problem was that the United States Federal Reserve Bank, although owned by the United States Citizens by way of their Constitutional government, was operated from the beginning as a private organization whose assets were also privately owned, held and used (that included the entire amount collected from the Citizens/citizens as taxes). *
*The Chinese Treasury was divided for years among a number of wealthy and powerful European and North American interests, many of whom never expected the Chinese royal line to survive. Consequently, they never expected to repay either the principal or the interest due on the Chinese royal assets they held and used. *
*In fact, many of them firmly resisted Mr. Yi's legal demand that whatever Chinese royal assets they held were required to be immediately returned with all due interest. *
*After some resistance, some of the Europeans holding Chinese Treasury assets
returned some of the Emperor's Treasury, but that amount also fell far-far short of what was actually owed. *
*Mr. Yi has since used legal and financial resources available to him, especially the assistance of a little known but very powerful World Monetary Authority, to force the return of assets which are properly his.*
*That brings us the present. But before we can further address our subject, we need to explore more history-United States history. * *On April 6, 1933, President Roosevelt, with Congressional approval, declared a "national bank holiday" which lasted through April 9. There is a plethora of information about that period and the reasons causing such, but there is practically nothing said about one major event which occurred during the same time. A corporation was formed at the President's order called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. That was done without Congressional action of any sort, so that organization is, and always has been, a privately owned, not public, corporation. At the same time, our legal system shifted from Public and English Common Law, to Private International Law.*
*THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION then usurped all the identity, power, legal standing, laws and mandates, and assets of the Constitutional United States-virtually seamlessly and with hardly anyone even suspecting what had happened-for 75 years. * *Let me restate that in less complicated terms-for 75 years a private corporation, not our Constitutional government, has performed the role of our government for the exclusive benefit of that organization's shareholders and their friends. *
*The CORPORATION, through Congress, immediately passed into "law" such things as the law establishing the FEDERAL REGISTER ACT, which effectively allows the President to declare and establish "law" by publishing his declaration in the FEDERAL REGISTER, that without consulting or informing Congress, let alone requiring their debate and passage of any effective law. *
*That should explain a great deal about why our "government" consistently behaves outside our Constitution and other laws. Our Constitutional government is bound (limited) by the Constitution. The CORPORATION, however, is bound only by the tenets of the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations, both Private International Law, which, inthis country, may only be tried and enforced by and in Admiralty, not civil or equity courts. Equity courts were done away with by our"government" soon after our form of law was changed.*
*A large book could be (and probably should be) written on the subject of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, however that is definitely outside the scope of this document. We will work only with the relationship of Mr. Yi and his efforts to enforce his contract with the Federal Reserve Bank. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, since it is in mortal financial default, was forced by the Monetary Authority to negotiate, for the past several months in Switzerland, their bankruptcy. Two Mondays ago the initial bankruptcy filings of that CORPORATION were placed in the United States Supreme Court. That bankruptcy was forced by Chinese and "other" interests.*
*I posit that the Citizens/citizens (yes, there is a difference), as well as those Citizens who are also Native Americans, also have a substantial legal interest in that matter, but as yet not legally entered in the case. It is absolutely essential that the CORPORATION assets placed in the legal proceeding be only theirs, and not the assets of the Constitutional United States, their Citizens/citizens assets and persons, and anything which is the property of our Native Americans. *
*I further posit that CORPORATION owes a great debt to the Constitutional United States of America and its Citizens/citizens. Our rights will be protected only if we act-it is in no one else's interest to so do. We need several very skilled Constitutional attorneys licensed and able to practice and argue in and before the US Supreme Court. If anyone fitting that description reads this document and would agree to assist, we need to hear from you immediately.
--- end of part one ---
So here is the rest of the story:
All of the business done by the Federal Reserve Bank of America since its inception in 1913 skirted the US Constitution by calling the currency they issued as "UNITED STATES NOTES" because it was specifically unconstitutional for the word "money" to appear anywhere on any note. Had the word "money" appeared, the Fed would have been guilty of counterfeiting. Furthermore, only the US government had the authority to produce and promulgate "money." The evidence of this is to be found in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.
I posit that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, a private organization continuously with shareholders, officers and directors since inception, has illegally been, with the collusion of the Federal Reserve Bank (another corporation, public but operated until this last year as a private organization), in complete control of the financial life of this you know, the CORPORATION is now in bankruptcy.
As a private corporation, whatever debts they have incurred as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which by the way is virtually all the debt attributed to this nation, is actually theirs and not the Constitutional United States' and/or its Citizens/citizens. That can and will be proved in due time in a court of law, probably the US Supreme Court.
On the other hand, I believe the United States (Constitutional), its assets, its Citizens and their assets and can be proven to be not owned by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and therefore outside the bankruptcy. I believe the hyperinflation depression information (The writer's first email was posted as part of this article) sent you earlier today can be avoided if we act quickly and wisely. I can expand on that subject later.
If events proceed as I hope, the Federal Reserve also will be dissolved as insolvent, and its Notes we have used as currency for 75 years will become valueless after some period where legally earned notes may be exchanged for new and legal United States money.
I wish to see the United States to return to a precious metal basis for its money and I know how that can happen. But we have some rough water ahead, and unless we wish to experience hyperinflation depression or any part of it, we must act immediately to have something in place to replace the Fed notes we now use as currency.
I can expand on the above, but you have probably enough to think about now so I will call it a day.
Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq
Published on Friday, November 10, 2006.
Source: CNN / Joanna Francis
Anderson Cooper of CNN showed this video of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq on his October 18, 2006 show. CNN says it obtained the video from a “representative” of an unnamed “insurgent leader.” Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA.
Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.
Proof: At the very beginning of this video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera. But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle. Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. I mean, it’s not exactly an easily obtainable Saturday night special! Something this sophisticated points to Mossad.
Mossad is a master at false flag operations, e.g., Oklahoma City, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, the July 7, 2005 London bombings, the 9-11 attacks in New York, the assassination of the Prime Minister in Beirut, the stoking of Muslim riots in France last year, the bombing of the Hassan al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, etc.
Israelis freely move among US and UK troops in Iraq, and have access to top-level US intelligence. Until July 2003, the head of all US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan was General Tommy Franks, a Zionist Jew. (He is now on the board of directors for Bank of America.) On November 7, 2006 another Zionist Jew became a principle liaison between Mossad and US forces in Iraq: Major General Richard F. Natonski of the Marine Corps. His title is Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations.
Because of this access, the “insurgents” (i.e., Mossad agents) know exactly where US vehicles will be and who will be inside them. This allows them to target for maximum false flag effect.
For example, on July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah to check Iraqi women for bombs. An IED blew up their truck. Two of the young American women were killed, five were critically wounded, and four were captured. The bodies of the four captured women turned up later in a garbage dump with their throats cut. Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad liaison.
Americans are supposed to believe that rag-tag “insurgents” use IEDs powerful enough to kill three US troops per day, on average. An American soldier even set up a blog on how “Intel” is betraying and targeting US troops. But sometimes Mossad bomb-makers accidentally blow themselves up in Iraq.
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag operations. He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested 19 Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which helps the CIA conduct interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
IEDs in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank. Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles. Zapata Engineering (which employs Mossad agents) makes this exact kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
Rumsfeld says the IEDs come from Iran, but Richard says they come from Mossad, and are not “improvised” at all. The Israeli company, Rafael (see above), makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. Beside the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionist Jews. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Whenever Mossad carries out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an “unnamed source” that is “close to al-Qaeda.” Sometimes they say “the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified.”
But Israelis would never kill anyone in cold blood, would they? After all, the USS Liberty massacre was “an accident!”
Barack Obama, Rev. Wright, and Racism, America Responds: We’re Not Done With You Yet
By mark karlin
April 29, 2008
Nothing more profoundly and disturbingly symbolizes America's subtle racist double standard than George Stephanopoulos's question during the Philadelphia debate to Barack Obama: "Do you think Reverend Wright loves America as much as you do?"
We have all these right wing "God is destroying America because it has sinned" preachers running around with barely a question asked of the Republicans they back. Yes, Hagee, Robertson, the late Jerry Falwell, and countless other religious leaders of the fundamentalist cloth have delivered countless white versions of "God Damns America" statements. The only difference is that they don't "say it black" in black churches, and then see it looped endlessly around on FOX TV and other cable networks, not to say rerun again and again on talk radio.
The point that appears to be forgotten here is that Rev. Wright is not running for president. Barack Obama is.
As Wright takes a valedictory tour to take advantage of a national platform that has been offered to him by a media tinderbox filled with the kindling wood of race, the question remains as to why this is still front page news. Whether Wright is preaching the gospel and indignation to a media that can't get enough of this sidebar story because race sells only second to sex as far as spiking up ratings -- or whether he is just on an ego trip -- the point to ask is why this is a front page story at all.
The Washington Post, the New York Times, and most of the mainstream media have buried the lies, broken laws, torture, Iraq War malfeasance, incompetence, cronyism, etc., of the Bush Administration for the most part in the back pages of the newspapers (if printed at all) -- and generally kept it off of television news altogether; but it can't get enough of whether the former minister of a presidential candidate -- who served his nation in the Marines by the way -- "loves America."
Is this a joke?
No it's the "Made in America" racial double standard at work.
It's as racist as "nailing" Barack Obama for not wearing a flag pin, even though George and Charlie and Hillary weren't wearing flag pins at the Philadelphia debate -- and McCain is not asked why he frequently doesn't wear one. The double standard on the flag pin is so glaring that most Americans can't see it in front of their own eyes; one need only look at the television screen to see that Barack Obama is not the only candidate or television moderator not wearing the Bush Administration symbol of patriotism reduced to the size of a miniature piece of tin.
Yes, it's the old "black people have to prove themselves more than white people" thing rising to a full fever pitch. It's the media and America answering Barack Obama's challenge to confront our racist past during his dazzling speech in Philadelphia.
Unfortunately, the response by the media, other politicians in the race, and commentators has been, "not so fast, Barack -- we aren't finished with the racial double standard just yet."
We wish Rev. Wright a pleasant retirement, but we really don't know what his relevance is to the severe crises facing America. No white candidate, including Bush and McCain, has been so hammered about such an irrelevancy, considering the kooky religious figures that they have backing them.
That kind of scrutiny we reserve for a black man.
In case anyone needs to be reminded about the history of racial injustice in America, we encourage you to most appropriately watch and listen to the incomparable Nina Simone singing, "Mississippi Goddam." [1]
It's been the goal of the Clinton campaign to prove that Obama can't transcend the reality of his being a black man in a nation that is still looking for a "Great White Hope."
The re-emergence of Rev. Wright as a national news story when we have Bush and Cheney preparing to possibly bomb Iran and Senator Clinton threatening to "obliterate" the same nation, not to mention a three trillion dollar debt, the destruction of our environment, the loss of jobs to overseas slave-labor nations, and the nearing of a tipping point in our dependency on oil -- well all this re-emphasizes that Clinton may be right: we are still stuck in the gutter of our baser instincts and anyone who wants to appeal to our better selves is in for a rude awakening.