Saturday, April 12, 2008


“They believe in God’s word in the Bible and in God’s promise to the Jewish people that the land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel…”

That quote among others can be found in THIS report about megachurch pastor John Hagee’s visit to the Holy Land.

These so-called Christians are literally celebrating on the graves of Palestinians murdered by the very state they so adore. They are here to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel without a glance at the suffering that resulted from that founding..

They sing, they dance, they bask in the ‘Glory of the Lord’….. what about the Palestinians? Do they really believe them to be ‘children of a lesser God?’ Where were they when a siege was placed on Gaza resulting in starvation, a medical crisis, a systemised plan to ethnically cleanse an entire nation off the face of this earth…. WHERE WERE THEY??? Do they really believe this is what Jesus would want?

There are REAL Christians that care about the situation. There are groups like the Society of Friends that care and help alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. They are the ones that live the Message of Jesus… unlike the Evangelicals who obviously are ‘full of something else’.

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