Friday, June 20, 2008


Compassion begins with myself. It is the doorway to gratefulness ~ which is the lifeblood of soul consciousness and the Unified Field : Allen L Roland

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerst not the beam that is in thine own eye? : Holy Bible, Matthew 7:3

Not the faults of others, nor what others have done or left undone, but one's own deeds, done and left undone, should one consider: 50th Stanza from the Dhammapada (The Path of Wisdom)

Believers, let not a group of you mock another. Perhaps they are better than you. - - - Let not one of you find faults in another nor let anyone of you defame another: Holy Quran, Chapter 49:11 (Al-Hujarat)

You see in others what you actually see in yourself: The Guru Dronacharya in Mahabharata

I went in search of a bad person; I found none as I, seeing myself, found me the worst : Kabir, Saint Poet of North India

I wonder whether there is any one in this generation who accepts reproof, for if one says to him: Remove the mote from between your eyes, he would answer: Remove the beam from between your eyes!: Talmud: Baraitha: Rashi (1050-1115 AD) quoting Rabbi Tarfon

It is easy to see the faults of others, but not so easy to see one’s own faults: Gautama Buddha (563 - 483 BC)

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